Indie Campers Reviews in Hamburg

Read honest feedback from travelers who’ve explored Hamburg with Indie Campers. Whether it’s your first road trip or you're looking for inspiration from top travel bloggers, all the insights and reviews you need are right here.

Excellent 4.7 out of 5 From 35,000+ travelers

Customer Reviews

Andreas F.


A year ago

2 People
11 days
Hamburg → Hamburg
VW California Premium
A special handbook for pecularities occuring in the winter while driving, sleeping and not freezing in a Diesel-powered van should be crafted. (s. other side) The two winter nights we slept outside were harsh and without running the engine idly, we would have not made it until the morning in a ...
Ali K.


A year ago

4 People
4 days
Hamburg → Hamburg
VW California Premium
Your team handled the booking of the camper with professionalism and friendliness, and David and Sarah in particular impressed with their comprehensive expertise. The quality of the camper and the smooth processing made my vacation something special. Not only the booking, but also the check-out went...
translated by
Philipp W.


A year ago

2 People
3 days
Hamburg → Hamburg
Friendly staff in Hamburg, nothing to complain about. But the gas bottle was almost empty, the second bed was not removed, although i asked for it, I was told, they are not allowed to remove it. This made for a very cramped space. The battery indicator of the main battery stated that the battery ...

Indie Campers in the News

"Indie Campers RV was perfect for the trip, fully equipped with two double beds, camping stove, crockery, folding table and chairs"

"Recreational vehicles is experiencing a boom at present... Indie Campers aims to bridge the gap between supply and current demand for safe and sustainable travel options."

"The market is becoming more creative and of course comfortable, so this Indie Campers RV sleeps 4... Perhaps this is actually the future"

"Indie Campers, a European camper van rental platform, has expanded to the US with a Los Angeles outpost, setting the grounds for a nationwide expansion within the next two years."